Monday, June 24, 2013

The 'not so' sedentary job

It’s no secret that we’re living in a unique age; it’s no secret that this age has changed us, literally. 

How could a period of innovation and efficiency also lead its people down a road of early deterioration?  A life where the harder you work, the more you produce, the better off you’ll be....  Not so fast.  Could what you’re doing on your job (or not doing for this matter) be limiting your most important gift of all?  Your health.
Yes, it can have a paralyzing effect on your health.  I’m here to help you uncover ways to limit the stagnation.  Motion is lotion for the joints and aloe vera for the soul!

Week’s back I posted a quote on our company Facebook Page that I dug up online.  I found it to be very profound:  “Sitting has become the smoking of our generation.”  Powerful. 

We work hard; we work long, but are we working, right?  

The research is staggering as it relates to the negative impact sitting (that’s right, just sitting there) can have on your ‘overall health.’  From orthopedic problems to flat out depression, who knew ‘sitting’ could be so harsh!  But it’s not just sitting my friend.  It’s how long we sit.  Think about it.  We wake up after a full nights rest only to go sit for 7-8 hours at our jobs.  If this isn’t enough, we leave work only to sit back down while we eat, watch television and surf the net.  And boom, just like that it’s 11pm:  Bedtime.  

Our lives are deteriorating.  What a tragic way to waste ones wellness potential.  The good news is that we can right the ship!  It’s time to stand up; it’s time to stand up now. 

The following interventions can help add a spark to your day:

Stretch it out.  Stretching activates muscle groups and heats the body, giving you more energy to execute during the day.  When you get out of bed, midday, on your breaks and as you leave the office, these are all opportunities to stretch.  Swing those arms, touch those toes and flex those wrists.  Staying loose means a more robust you!    

Take the stairs.  Do this at every cost.  From the moment you arrive, to and from lunch and when you leave for the day.  Say goodbye to the elevator!

Sit upright.  If you’re going to be seated, at least maintain your posture.  Counteract the inevitable humpback with daily posture checks.  Although this can be difficult to remember, it can pay tremendous dividends down the road.  People pay thousands of dollars to correct their spine.  You have a healthy one.  Keep it that way!  

Make laps.  Get a stopwatch or set your phone on 30-45 minute time intervals.  When the timer goes off, take a brief lap or so around the inside of the office (if you can, outside works too).  Knowing you have this time window may even increase your efficiency at your desk.  This mental countdown could help get more done in shorter amounts of time.  

These are just a few tips in your quest to give back to yourself.  Working hard doesn’t mean you’re working right.  Never stop asking yourself how you can stay moving while everyone else is sitting.  Stand tall--stand strong!

Already moving at work?  Please comment and share your motion tactics!  

Have questions about your health?  Looking for a trainer?  Email or give me a call!  

To Your Richness,

Darrin Rich, Lead Trainer, Core Fit 360  

Office:  404-939-0295

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Whole Health: More than just, 'looking good'

A billion dollar theme park promising its inhabitants clarity of mind, fullness of body and richness of soul, believe it or not, many health programs aren't exactly geared toward getting you 'healthy.'  But behind its lofty promises and your budding anticipation to finally shape up, what does optimal health for you really mean?   

In a complicated world (and as a former model), it's safe to conclude that we all simply want to 'look good,' but it's about time we set the record straight regarding this slippery slope we call 'health.'

The industry is booming; the word itself has been a topic of debate for decades.

The laundry list of things one undertakes to be 'healthy' on a daily basis can be staggering (annoying, frustrating, unsustainable...). Although our daily habits and choices define us, are we doing enough?  Are we doing too much?  Are we doing anything right?  Is your pursuit...even achievable?  

Fact:  Healthy is a state that is specific to each one of us.  Generally speaking, what's healthy (or unhealthy) for one, may not be so for another.

Great, so now what?

What we know:  The general stuff.  We all need some form of exercise.  The form of exercise will vary depending on the person and his or her goals (or dreams).  Our bodies require sound nutrition to replenish itself to support optimal performance.  We all need a good nights rest and so the beat goes on...

Here's where your 'health' (whole health) is truly defined:  your baselines.

Biologically, each one of us is unique.  You're the only you.  This means, there's no one person identical to you genetically.  "Hey, what about identical twins?" you may ask...  Heck, even research suggests they're different!  (Source: Identical Twins' Genes Are Not Identical)

So, can we finally stop comparing ourselves to others?

Cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure levels or even heart disease and cancer, etc are significant pieces to your 'whole health' pie.  Ever seriously thought about your family health history?  What are the incidence of these conditions?  Is your current lifestyle setting you up to avoid or acquire these manifestations? 

Ten cookies won't hurt Sally, but if Becky consistently does the same, she'll be up a creek.  Your world is your world.

'Whole health' is about knowing your history, constant evaluation of your baselines and intervening continuously!  So the next time someone says this is healthy (or unhealthy) for you, do yourself a favor and take a look at the 'whole' picture.  "Where do I really stand...?"

Many, unknowingly pursue 'half health.'  Don't be one of these people.  Robust living,  preservation and vitality all start with 'whole health.'  Looking and feeling your best is a by-product of many working parts functioning together seamlessly! 

My advice:  Enter completely, or not at all.  You'll save yourself the headache later.  See you on the other side! 

P.S. - Have a sedentary job?  My next post has been inspired by a personal training client.  I'll help you discover creative ways to stay moving despite being pinned to your office chair!
To Your Richness,

Darrin Rich, Lead Trainer, Core Fit 360

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Preventative Health vs. Reactive Health, who are you 'Getting Healthy' for?

As important as our families and our careers are to us, the maintenance of our health should be as equally essential.

The sad reality is that many 'get serious' only after that catastrophic event has happened.  You sit musing at your early pitfalls and make a vow to shape up.  Sound familiar? 

Many diseases and conditions will manifest themselves regardless of the precautions you take, of course, but wouldn't it be great to live a life of complete conscious living?  Where you're always in control of your state-of-the-art machine?  Others may call you crazy, but so what.  You're maximizing your life!

To delay the onset of a condition is success, but to totally prevent it from happening is the truest victory. 

This brings us to:  Preventative Health vs. Reactive Health.  Would you rather work to prevent the catastrophe or work at picking up the pieces after the fury?

We spend billions of dollars a year on health related conditions that are preventable (these conditions will be highlighted in a future post).  Whether it be laziness or life circumstances, most often we get sick because we're literally not moving!  While this is unfortunate, it's truly a 'good problem.'  Our bodies are simply yearning for us to move.  Easy fix! 

Lifetime Health vs Some Time Health?  You decide.   

At a certain point, we must pause and look at what we're really doing with our lives.  Questions such as:  What am I working towards?  Who am I working for?  What's truly important amidst the madness?  These questions, at some point, should surface. 

Our humanism allows these contemplations.  The pursuit of life, happiness, love...  The pursuit of more.  Our 'health fate' lies in our power to choose.  That's what makes us different.  That's what makes it all the more special.  This is the bedrock of conscious living.  The only life I want to know; the only life I hope you'll adore.  

Through these reflections, the state of your health comes into play.  We begin to look further than the now and wonder how what we're doing (or not doing) affects the future and the people around us.    Before long, the 'grand master health plan' is in motion.  Irrespective of guaranteed results, your exciting adventure has began.

The ball is in motion, but the execution has been troublesome.  This is the moment where I meet  many of my best clients.  Hopes for dream bodies or simply losing enough weight to be considered healthy, the work starts with each individuals commitment to change.  Through this unwavering commitment is how you reach your health pinnacle.  

A question I don't typically ask, but have always wondered:  Who are you 'getting healthy' for?  Ask yourself this question regularly and come back to it.  This is your home base to health.     

Are you getting healthy for you?  The kids?  Just because?  This is a very important question we all should ask because, after all, it's the primary reason you started!  

I'll start by answering for myself:  I'm getting healthy for me and my community.  To create and maintain good habits so that I don't have to put it in overdrive when I'm 70!  Not just a sideline advocate, I want to really live it!  

What is 'health' anyway?  We'll look at this controversial, sensationalized word in my next post and uncover what 'health' should mean to you!

To Your Richness.

Darrin Rich, Lead Trainer, Core Fit 360

P.S. - Like what you read?  Share with a friend through the social networks!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome: Be Rich and Stay Rich!

Come in, drop your bags, and remove your kicks.  The ride of your life has just commenced. 

Welcome to the Be Rich Health Blog!  Where Health is The New Wealth! 

How wealthy do you really want to be?

You see, you've been rich since the beginning; you just may have failed to realize itNow the quandary lies in what to do with your wealth.  That's where I come into play! 

Currently specializing in preventative health as a trainer with Atlanta-based Core Fit 360, I have the awesome job of providing weight loss training for women.  I'm talking blood, sweat and tears folks!

My most successful clients are my most dedicated ones; the most dedicated receive the greatest results.  There's an obvious correlation here!  When the dedication is there, the results always follow.

Witnessing these hardworking women plow through months...months...and months (did I mention months?) of high intensity Personal and Boot Camp style training has been miraculous.  These women are truly, rich!

Optimal health stretches far beyond weight loss.  We know that.  It's a conscious, 365-day decision making process.  From what you put into your system to safeguarding it, how you react and position yourself within your environment is the cornerstone of healthy living.  Intimidated?  Don't be!

Just look at it as an unbelievable opportunity to command a state-of-the-art, out-of-this-world (and I don't say this sarcastically) machine.  The fact is, the human body trumps anything else that has ever existed (again, I'm not exaggerating here).  That explains why in this modern day, we're still learning about it!  The best doctors and most astute scientists are being stumped at this very second!

So, you see, there's opportunity here.  That's what keeps me blazing through this fiery jungle. 

The greatest feeling on the planet is to help others daily.  Fundamentally, that's what this business we call health is all about.  I'm here to supercharge your health journey into a life of vitality! 

In future posts, expect a wealth of information and valuable tips geared toward a more robust you!

Are you ready to cash in?   I am!  Stay tuned weekly! 

To Your Richness,

Darrin Rich, Lead Trainer, Core Fit 360